Taman Mini Indonesia Indah

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park was built to be the showcase of Indonesia, in this park visitors will find many Indonesia natural & cultural richness such as unique replication of traditional houses (pavilion) from all around Indonesia, an Indonesia archipelago shaped lake and many other fascinating attraction. The park is an Ideal spot for week-end family outing and also international tourist who did not have enough time to explore Indonesia.

It started with the idea of the late Ibu Tien Soeharto (former Indonesia first lady). The construction of TMII began in 1971 and it was official inaugurated on April 20, 1975.

Since its existence and in the course of time TMII continues to grow and developed in line with the dynamism of the community life of Indonesia. People are the more aware of the great advantages of the existence of TMII, with the mission to be a vehicle for the preservation and development of the culture and a means to strengthen the unity and integrity of the people of Indonesia.

TMII is considered as a vehicle presenting the diversity of the people of Indonesia and the variety of cultural wealth enables the community to gain interesting experience, knowledge and information regarding various aspect of culture, tradition, customs, forms of art as far as the introduction of cultural objects.

The beauty and cultural wealth presented by TMII can easily be observed by the community through the availability of a more complete and interactive means of information. It is expected that through the website the information can be disseminated widely all over the Archipelago and even abroad so that it will facilitate the community to better know about the culture and customs of the people of Indonesia.

Province Pavilions

The bulk of the facilities at TMII is made up of the regional pavilions. With more than twenty five pavilions to walk through, representative of the architecture of each province of Indonesia, the visitor is provided a very unique opportunity to view the breadth and scale of the full range of regional architecture. Each pavilion presents at least three typical examples of the regional style it represents.

Don`t have the time or the fortitude to venture to distant or out-ot-the-way locations? No need. Visit every pavilion and you will come away with a very clear impression of the diversity and richness of Indonesian architectural and living styles. To point out just a view, there is the `Bogonjong` house of the Ranah Minang from West Sumatra, a `Lamin` of the Dayak people from deep in the interior of East Kalimantan, a `Tongkongan` from Tana Toraja, South Sulawesi, a traditional Batak `Bolon` house from North Sumatra; a `Joglo` house from Central Java, etc.


Istana Anak-anak Indonesia: Indonesia Children Castle, featuring fairy tales painting from Indonesia and all over the world.

Perahu Angsa Arsipel Indonesia: Swan Boat to explore Indonesia archipelago shaped lake.

Taman Among Putro: An amusement park for children fully equipped with games and fun activities.

Taman Ria Atmaja: a 60 Sq m stage in an 4000 Sq m area, well known as Dangdut Terminal (Dangdut: popular unique music genre in Indonesia).

Taman Renang Ambar Tirta: Swimming pool for adult and children, equipped with trainer and lifeguard.

Teater Imax Keong Emas: A shopisticated IMAX technology snail shaped theatre, with several IMAX movies featuring Indonesia natural and cultural richness.

Desa Wisata: When a day is not enough to explore TMII, there is Desa Wisata, a hostel for individual or groups visiting TMII from outside Jakarta to stay overnight.

Transportasi TMII: The means of transportation, get you around the "Archipelago".

Titihan Samirono/Aeromovel: Another way to get around is the fast train, Aeromovel. This is an example of the fast and efficient train that could provide nowaday mass transportation for Indonesia.

Sky Lift Indonesia (Kereta Gantung): Want a quick and easy geography lesson? Take the Sky Lift for an aerial tour of the park and one of the sights that will stay with you is a scale model of the islands of Indonesian archipelago set in a smalll lake.

Teater Tanah Airku: The "Tanah Airku" Theatre is the first in Indonesia equipped with high technology to an international standard. The physical aspect of the "Tanah Airku" Theatre is a marriage of the typical Indonesian and the international aesthetic. Indonesian ornamentation such as 'gunungan' (mountains), elements from Javanese puppet shows, the roof shapes of Sumatra and Sulawesi, with a touch of Kalimantan Dayak style, all is harmoniously blended. Combine this with modern sound and lighting effects and the complete stage equipment of a state­of the-art theatre and you have a dramatic experience long remembered.

Panggung Parkir Utara: The North Parking Stage is a permanent stage for various entertainment activities for the visitors. Situated next to the Pancasila Flame Monument Plaza and belonging to the North Parking area the open stage has been built by the participation of private enterprises that care about the national cultural wealth presented in TMII. The 20 m x 18 m large stage with a triangular roof is the biggest stage in Taman Mini.

Other Things to See or Do
1. Take a trip on the cable car. You'll be able to see TMII from the top a delightful experience.

2. Watch Indonesia movies at Theater Imax Keong Emas.

3. Visit several museums in this area.

4. Visit the parks orchid garden and bird park.

Further Information:

TMII Management Office
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah Complex
Phone : 021-8409214, 8409210, 8409270, 8409236, 8409239 ,
Fax : 021-8400709
Email : info@tamanmini.com
Website: http://www.tamanmini.com

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