It was our long trip which was preceded by the difficulties in following the complicated red-tape of a country to enable us to see our fellow citizens, the unacculturated Baduy community. Our weariness gradually disappeared when we arrived at the gate of the outer Baduy village.
The village which is inhabited by a group of families is far from the touch of technology and modernization is not very easy to reach. After going over a curving and rocky footpath, we arrived at the outer Baduy village which is inhabited by approximately 120 families. The dominantly magic atmosphere caused us to properly act in good manners, such manners are also reflected in the life of the Baduy community. They are very sincere in following the tradition which have been applied and passed on from generation to generation without daring to question such tradition because they believe that every thing has been determined by the “Supreme Ruler” and that they must follow their tradition. Their life is very modest and plain because their life heavily depends on the nature surrounding them and their skill, and their works is sold to the surrounding village or to the visitor who visit them.
Money is not everything to them, but they consider dedication and perseverance as most important in leading their life. All experience they have undergone in their life make them find their real, true self. So, it is not surprising that magic is so intimate with them. What they actually seek in order to attain perfect life is magic. The more knowledge they have about the magic the closer they are to the “Supreme Ruler”. When they are, according to their belief, closer to the “Supreme Ruler”, they will get the greatest honor.
In order to attain such perfection they must exercise their bodies and souls and live plainly. We observe a very extraordinary uncommon condition and such condition induces our conscience as we have become accustomed to the life with every convenience. Their way of living is so simple, plain, humble and far from greed and human ambition. Baduy is a true reflection of the life of men in proper place and they have their real, true self.